Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Need a good cry?
I sat down to watch Oprah today not knowing how it would make me feel. She had kids on there who had overcome trials. She even had the conjoined twins from Utah. I sat there watching it holding Max and feeling so overly grateful for my happy, healthy children. I don't know if I could ever handle a trial like some of these. Then she showed a video and I cried my eyes out. I found it on you tube and had to share it. Some days I think my life is so hard and impossible. Boy, am I wrong. It doesn't take long to look around and see how lucky I really am! I hope this little video will help us all remember how lucky we are, how short life is, and to live for today!
3 months
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Happy Halloween!
Us girls
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
A fun night at the cabin
Everyone eating!
Everyone thought she was so funny, except Ty and Kyle!
The best part of the night was when Russ busted out the records and record player. None of the kids had a clue what they were! My dad found an old record and entertained us by doing the jitterbug with my mom!! It was so fun! The kids had such a blast watching them, so my dad gave them all jitterbug lessons! It was so cute.
Rylie and Grandpa
Danny brought his imaginary friend Guy, so Ty danced with him!
How could she refuse!
There is nothing like spending time with your family and making memories. I love going to the cabin. It brings back so many memories to me. I spent most of my childhood here. I love taking my kids to the same place and making memories with them. Thanks Grandma and Grandpa for such a fun night!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Thursday, October 9, 2008
It ended with a BANG!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Today I feel Loved (and old)
My phone rang and beeped with texts all morning long. I have so many great friends that remembered me today and I just want to tell them all THANKS! I really do have the best family and friends anyone could ask for.
I even started my morning off with breakfast in bed, compliments of Hailey, Sydni and Justin. I love my family and they must love me. Here are some reasons being a wife and mom of 5 are not so bad.......
Hailey loves me enough to always remember my birthday or mothers day and wake me up with breakfast in bed. She also gives great foot rubs, they do cost a dollar, but they're worth every penny.
Sydni loves me enough to tickle my arm for hours and always tell me she loves me before bed and when she leaves for school! She always tells me I'm pretty.
Jonah loves me enough to hug me and kiss me any time I want even though he thinks he is way too cool!!
Danny loves me enough to let me hold him and rock him, even though he is not a baby, Max is a baby. Which he reminds me of often!
Max loves me enough to take a binky so I can have my body to myself every once in a while.
Justin loves me enough to pat me on the bum every time he walks past me. In all honesty, it drives me a little crazy, but when he doesn't do it, I wonder if he's mad at me.
I really do have a great family.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Zion Ponderosa
Danny playing pool.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
The Canyon
Hailey hates her freckles, but I love them! I'm not sure whats on her mouth!
Jordan really did have fun, I promise!
Brayden and Max. I love this picture!
Darlene will probably hate me for posting a picture, but I thought it was so cute. My kids LOVE their aunt Darny
Another close-up. What a mug!