Mary in.....too bad we don't have a costume for that!
Syd was so happy to be Mary this year, especially with a real baby Jesus
What a cute little shepherd
Jonah and Danny as shepherds
Even though the big boys might not love dressing up, I am so happy we do this every year. I am so guilty for getting caught up in all the hustle and bustle that I have a hard time slowing down and taking the time to remember why we really do have Christmas. This nativity is such a good reminder for me and my kids. Thanks Grandma!
Even though the big boys might not love dressing up, I am so happy we do this every year. I am so guilty for getting caught up in all the hustle and bustle that I have a hard time slowing down and taking the time to remember why we really do have Christmas. This nativity is such a good reminder for me and my kids. Thanks Grandma!
that is so cute! i wish we did something like that. was max baby jesus?
I would like to be Mary and hold baby Max. He looks like he is having a ball. Your older boys are REALLY good sports to keep on doing this. The probably like it too they just don't want to say it.
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