Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Mamma Mia!!

Justin is always wanting to have guys over to watch movies, so I decided it was my turn! I got all my sisters-in-law to come over and watch Mamma Mia. Justin gave it to me for Christmas and I have been wanting to watch it ever since. We had popcorn and treats and a great time! Thanks girls! Twilight Party next!!!

Lindsey, Loreen, Steph, me, Misty, Hilary, Misty (Linds loved the popcorn)
Getting ready to start the show!!!

How could we not dance to "Dancing Queen"!?!?!

Sing it Lindsey!!

Steph and Hilary - Hilary is really getting into it!

What a fun night! I love all these girls, they are so much fun! We missed Heather though!


Meladie said...

How fun! I love Mama Mia! Oh, and those pictures of Max are ADORABLE!! So cute! BTW What's hilary's last name? She looks familiar...have we already talked about this????

Kim said...

That looks like so much fun. I watched it with Jill, Mary, and Shay and we couldn't get the sing along version to work so we couldn't sing. Fun girls!!

The Tophams said...

Looks like a way fun movie night! Love the Christmas pics, especially the one of Danny minus his pants! Max is such a cutie!

Michelle said...

How fun! You are lucky to have fun sisters-in-law! I liked Danny minus the pants too!! :)