As I was wasting time on the computer today, I came across a blog of a friend of a friend of a friend. AKA total stranger! (I'm sure I'm not the only one who does this, right?) Well, this stranger whom I now know a lot about had 4 kids, thought she was done, got pregnant again....sound familiar? Anyway, she had posted an awesome poem about how kids grow up so fast and how we will miss all the things they do. (Yes, I have heard this a million times) But this one hit me a little harder than others and I started thinking about my own kids. They are growing up faster than I ever thought possible! Hailey in particular. I never take the time to tell her how great she beautiful she much I appreciate her! I've got to do better, I thought to myself! I will do better!
In the middle of my blog-stalking, Hailey had asked if she could make cookies, which she does often. Sure, just don't forget the sugar and crisco this time! I tasted the dough and it was delicious! I ate way too much! The cookies turned out great. Then she decided to take a bath......then I smelled smoke!!
Whoops! She forgot she had a batch of cookies still in the oven when she decided to take that bath! I'll admit I freaked out a little....but then tried to go back to the blog of the total stranger and remember that these are the things I will miss some day!

And another not so positive note. We now know our smoke alarms
Oh no! I guess next time Hailey will remember to take out the last batch of cookies!!! You are so right though! Kids grow up way too fast! I hope you get your smoke alarms working!!! My smoke alarms work very well! My kids will attest to it!!!
oh my gosh your two posts cracked me up this morning. I guess thats one way to test your smoke alarms! And Poor Maxy!
Those black cookies are hilarious! I hope Max's teeth come through soon.
I was wondering if I could get that recipe for the darkened cookies. That is really cute that she even wants to make cookies. I can't wait for that time at my house. I like the cookies, hate the mess.
P.S. Be glad that your smoke alarms are not so sensative. Ours go off if someone is burning weeds outside the house. Love it!!
How funny! It is all the little things like this that make our lives so great!! I totally need to get a cooking lesson from Hailey. My cookies are so flat that I just take them out of the oven and scrape them into the garbage can! :)
Poor Max....there is nothing more sad than seeing your kids hurting so bad!
Oh my heck Darla you crack me up! That picture of Max is too funny...I love it. And what a fun mom u r to let Hailey make cookies! You are right 'bout kids growing so fast...I hear it all the time, think it all the time, and SAY it all the time too. BUT somedays it just really hits you more than others, at least for me, and you look at your kids and can't believe it.
I laughed so hard when I read this post, I started crying...
that is so funny! the non burnt cookies look really good. poor max. I hope they come in soon!
Those extra chocolately cookies look dang good! Just looks like she made two different flavors of cookies is all! I tell myself every morning to "enjoy the journey" cuz man it goes by way too fast. In fact, I think I might cry right here and right now just thinking of how fast time goes by and how much I've missed cuz I'm too busy being anal about a clean house or something else stupid. So thanks for the cry, Sista! And poor Max, he looks so sad! He's still a cute little guy though, even when he's all wet!
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